During the Easter holidays, the roads become extremely busy, with children off schools and families embarking on different holidays – and the potential dangers of driving are therefore increased. As the driver of a WAV vehicle and the added responsibility that accompanies this, it is vitally important to remain up-to-date with the latest driving tips. There are a shocking amount of road accidens during this period; the weather changes, the ice melts and drivers often change their cautious driving habits, and become more dangerous and careless on the road.

We’ve compiled a quick list of tips for driving in the Easter:

  1. Fight fatigue: when starting a long journey it is vital to be well rested. Falling asleep at the wheel is a very real and common problem, and often these sleeps can last for a few seconds or minutes. Obviously, when driving there is no room to nap, so take no risks – make sure you have had a proper sleep before setting off.  What’s more, if you begin to feel tired while driving, make the decision to rest for a while or have another driver take over.
  2. Be patient: when you have the urge to overtake a slow or annoying driver, take a deep breath and assess the safety of the situation. It’s easy to get impatient and try to overtake despite all the risks, but this could be a fatal mistake so remember to keep the safety of yourself and your passengers at the forefront of your mind, especially in a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. Keep your eyes on the road:
  3. Do not let distractions get the better of you while driving – it’s easy to let a beeping phone, changing the song or eating something divert your attention. You must remain focused at all times while driving, and in the split second when your attention is diverted, something could easily go wrong.
  4. Lastly, remember your everyday driving safety. It’s easy in the warmer weather to relax and forget your normal driving practices, so remember:
    – Everyone in the car must have a seat belt on at all times
    – Always stay within the speed limits
    – Maintain a safe following distance
     – Ensure you’re always visible and have headlights on when necessary

By remembering these tips you’re sure to have a safe and happy Easter holiday.



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