Looking after your WAV’s Battery

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We tend to think that a car battery is used as the power source necessary to get a car going – just as it is the power source for cell phones or tablets – because when the battery is flat, the car simply won’t start. But that’s not all it does which is why keeping your car’s battery in optimum condition is essential, especially over the colder months of autumn and winter.

  • A car battery is the power source used to start the vehicle.
  • When the battery is flat, the car cannot operate.
  • Because the battery is also necessary for other car functions, its essential to maintain its condition, especially over winter.

Not only is the car’s battery the power source for the starter motor, it is also necessary for the ignition system and other electrically powered components. These could be headlights, windscreen wipers, on board infotainment systems, air conditioning or heated seats and mirrors to name a few.

With a wheelchair accessible vehicle, modifications like ramps, swivel chairs or lifts – anything that increases the load on the battery – means that battery care is even more important.

Over autumn and winter, one of the most common causes of car breakdown is a flat battery. Often, more of the lighting, heating and other electronic devices tend to be in use at the same time, colder weather can contribute to battery drain, and items such as remote key fobs and alarms use electricity passively when the car is not in use.

Lack of use or short infrequent journeys may not give the battery time to recharge even though the battery’s requirements are the same as if it’s being used more frequently and for longer journeys.

So what can you do to try and avoid a break down and keep a battery in top condition?

Firstly, try and use the vehicle regularly and try not to leave it undriven for any length of time. If it is left for a while, give it a longer run to recharge it as much as possible when you do drive it.

Secondly, when you park, make sure that all electricals such as lights are off and doors and boot are properly shut.

Thirdly, for wheelchair accessible vehicles make sure that electro reels, winches and front wheelchair tie-downs are switched off when parking and for electric lifts, try not to use the lift more than is necessary to exit and enter the vehicle.

Whether by accident or age, batteries can occasionally lose their charge and become flat so it’s worth considering membership of a recovery service who will be able to recharge or replace the battery for peace of mind.